Thursday, 6 November 2014

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas,Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy


Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Biography

This page is a list of Christmas dishes as eaten around the world. These food items are traditionally eaten at or associated with the Christmas season.
raditional Albanian pumpkin and walnut pie – Byrek me kungull dhe arre

This is a traditional Albanian pie cooked usually on Christmas Eve, especially in the Roman Catholic Albanian families. The ingredients are wheat flour, pumpkin, walnuts, vegetable oil (if fasting is considered) or butter, a pinch of salt and black pepper. Sometimes oregano is added. The pastry layers are traditionally homemade, filled with baked pumpkin mixture, which contains butter, salt and pepper. On top of the mixture, chopped walnuts are sprinkled. Layers are then folded up, put on a flat baking dish in a circular shape and baked. It makes a very delicious and light side dish for Christmas or any other occasion.
The traditional meal (served as dinner on Christmas Eve) consists of either fish soup or pea soup and fried fish (traditionally carp) served with potato salad. The recipe for potato salad differs slightly among every Czech family. The main ingredients are: potato cooked with jacket, canned peas, onions, cooked carrots, parsley and celery, pickled gherkins, cooked eggs and mayonnaise. Some families may add grated apples or salami. The best potato salad is prepared a day before Christmas Eve so that all the ingredients can "mellow" for a day. The Christmas dinner should be the first food consumed that day. Those who do not break the Christmas shrove are believed to be able to see a golden pig on a wall.

Before the Christmas holidays, many kinds of sweet biscuits are prepared. The Christmas cookies are then served during the whole Christmas period and exchanged among friends and neighbours. Very popular is also a preparation of small ginger breads garnished by sugar icing.
Christmas smorgasbord from Finland, "Joulupöytä", (translated "Yule table"), a traditional display of Christmas food)[21] served at Christmas in Finland, similar to the Swedish smörgåsbord, including:

Christmas ham with mustard (almost every family has one for Christmas)
turkey (kalkkuna)
Freshly salted salmon (gravlax graavilohi) and whitefish graavisiika
Pickled herring in various forms (tomato, mustard, matjes or onion sauces)
Lutefisk and Béchamel sauce[21]
whitefish and pikeperch
Liver casserole
Potato casserole[21] (sweetened or not, depending on preference)
Boiled potatoes
Carrot casserole[21]
Rutabaga casserole (lanttulaatikko)[21]
Rosolli (salad from boiled beetroots, carrots, potatoes, apples and pickled cucumber. If served with herring, it becomes herring-salad, sillisalaatti)
Various sauces
Assortment of cheese, most commonly (leipäjuusto) and Aura (aura-juusto)
Christmas bread, usually sweet bread (Joululimppu)
Karelian pasties, rice pasties, served with egg-butter (Karjalanpiirakka)
Other meat dishes could be:

Karelian hot pot, traditional meat stew originating from the region of Karelia (Karjalanpaisti)
Reindeer (in northern Finland) (poro)
Cold smoked salmon (kylmäsavulohi)

Rice pudding or rice porridge topped with cinnamon, sugar and cold milk or with mixed fruit soup (riisipuuro)
Gingerbread,[21] sometimes in the form of a gingerbread house or gingerbread man (piparkakut)
Chocolate (given as presents, eaten in-between meals, called suklaa)
Prune jam pastries (Joulutortut)[21]
Mixed fruit soup or prune soup (sekahedelmäkiisseli, luumukiisseli)

Glogg or mulled wine (glögi)
Christmas beer (Jouluolut); Koff and Lapin Kulta have Christmas versions
Home beer (non-alcoholic beer-like drink) (kotikalja)
Red wine (punaviini)
Marski's tipple (akvavit, vermouth and gin) (Marskin ryyppy)
Sour milk (often drunk by older people)

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

Vegetable Recipes For Christmas Vegetable Recipes in Urdu Indian Chinese Phlippines Pakistani Pinterest Without Oil Pinoy Style Panlasang Pinoy

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